If you are purchasing from a member online shop you can be sure that:
In other words, you can make your internet purchases safely and with full confidence.
Launched in 2001, Webshop Trustmark is the number one quality mark and professional organisation for mail order companies and for companies who sell the majority of their products and services via the internet. Since its beginnings in the Netherlands and following sustained growth throughout Europe, Webshop Trustmark has become the most recognised quality mark in Europe. Webshop Trustmark member webshops are monitored by the independent Trustmark brand.
Webshop Trustmark aims to protect consumers against unreliable online shopping and mail order companies.
Membership applications and complaints are considered by lawyers. In addition, shops are subject to period checks.
Webshop Trustmark (previously known as Webshop Keurmerk) was awarded excellent scores in a European study (http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_consumer/information_sources/docs/trust_mark_report_2013_en.pdf)